Sunday, March 16, 2008

Health Benefit from Pets

All too often we take Fluffy or Fido for granted. We complain about having to clean the litter box or take them for their evening walk but in reality we should be grateful for their existence as it has been documented that pets are beneficial to our health.

One study found that dog ownership increases the odds for survival in persons who have had a heart attack from 1 in 15 to 1 in 87. And cat owners, don't feel left out, a study of 4,400 Americans, age 30 to 75 found that the risk of heart attack was cut by one third if you owned a cat. Stoking a pet has been shown to reduce your risk of having a stroke too! People with pets have been found to have lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels when compared to people who did not have pets, even when matched for weight, diet, and smoking habits.

Along with the measurable benefits such as lowered blood pressure and heart rates, there are the immeasurable benefits of companionship. Just having another heartbeat around the house has been shown to keep seniors healthier and happier. It has also been documented that seniors with pets make fewer visits to the doctor than those without a pet. Many nursing homes as well as some psychiatric facilities have resident pets to keep the spirits of their occupants up.

So yes, they take from you - they need food, shelter, love and attention but whatever you give to your pets you get back in benefits to your own health. So go give Fluffy or Fido a big hug for helping to keep you healthy and happy.

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