Sunday, February 17, 2008

Who gets Bodycomp'd?

Our clients come from a variety of backgrounds and a very diverse set of reasons for wanting a scan. The serious weekend athletes are usually quite aware they are in a fit healthy range for their body fat values but they like to know how they measure up against others in their sports, or sometimes they just want assurances that their body fat hasn't gone up too much from their more youthful days. Clients that come to us through personal trainers or gyms often use the DXA scan as a tool with which to monitor their progress. Along with feeling better, running longer or faster, lifting heavier weights, and recovering quicker - all very admirable changes from a new workout routine - clients often want a number of how things have changed. A Bodycomp scan provides numbers. There is the percent fat number, there is the grams of lean, fat and bone mass numbers, there are the ratios of fat in the different area numbers. Some people are very analytical and like numbers. It is very encouraging to have a set of numbers showing exactly where the changes have occurred. The scale might tell you that you've lost 3 kg of "weight" - the Bodycomp scan could show you that you've lost 5 kg of fat and gained 2 kg of lean mass! These are much more encouraging numbers. It is for this reason that another group of people come to us to get scanned. They are actively working on weight loss. Many diet programs make claims of how much and how fast you can lose weight. For many of us who have done the yo-yo dieting for too many years have come to realize just getting the number on the scale to drop is not always enough. We want assurances that we are actually loosing fat mass and not lean muscle tissue. With significant weight loss it can be expected that there will be some lean tissue loss, but the majority of the weight loss needs to be from fat. Maintaining lean muscle mass while loosing weight keeps your resting metabolic rate high and allows you to consume more calories per day, but more importantly it helps you feel healthier and more energetic.

So our clients come in all ages and sizes, but with a common desire which is to get their numbers. What would motivate you to get scanned? and what could it motivate you to do?

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